• Project Update for the Months of August and September

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November 3, 2021 by 

The development of the Gullah Geechee Conservation Immersive Experience has been progressing nicely over these last few weeks. In our team, we have a total of six members, with each person working on a different project every sprint. For our team, a sprint is seen as two weeks where we focus on a few tasks to be as efficient as possible. 

Durell, our website designer and developer, has been working on the format and positioning of the website.  He uses CSS and WordPress to complete his work and throughout the sprint he has been working on his technique for moving the elements of the website prototype to the actual website itself. During the sprint, he had an issue with moving a certain column over, but he figured it out by the end of the sprint. Currently, he is working on moving the rest of the elements over from the prototype to the actual website.

For his portion of the project, Robert looks at interviews and videos in order to create timestamps for specific quotes. His work is important because it allows other people in the project to work with video footage and layouts for the clips and have something to go off of. Robert also works on voiceovers for narrations, which will be featured in the immersive experience and move the subject right along. 

Liana and Blaine work with video footage and layouts for the clips. During this sprint, Liana worked on taking footage and time stamps from interviews and pulled quotes from them to talk about education in Plantersville. Liana used timestamps from Robert’s portion of the website creation and worked with Premier to create the layouts for the quotes. One challenge that Liana had during the sprint is that she had issues with technology and wifi. As of writing this, her technology issues seem to have gotten better. 

While Liana worked on that aspect of the project, Blaine worked on making different style layouts and points of view in Adobe Illustrator for lower thirds. These focused on the titles for the significant people in the respective communities.

Jennifer, one of the writers for the team, worked on blog post prototype pitches for the first part of the sprint. After getting the pitches approved by the coordinator, Alli,  Jennifer worked on the actual blog post prototypes that included different categories. The categories she worked on included: a biography, guest post, highlight, project update, and a profile. One of the challenges she had during this sprint was time management. One of her academic assignments took longer than expected, but with an extension she was able to complete her tasks for the sprint. 

Last but not least, the coordinator, Alli, oversees all the inner workings that go inside the project. Every week, Alli conducts the weekly meetings. They help make sure that the team members stay on track and assist in challenges as needed. Every two weeks, they lead the team in discussions of the work completed during the sprints and assign the new tasks for the next ones. 

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